Sunday, July 22, 2018

Caribbean Love

As I have reflected upon the events of this internship, and even on the experiences from this summer, I have realized a lot about myself. I expected to be a little homesick and maybe even a little tired from all the work we do, yet I have found myself with a different set of difficulties I had not anticipated. I’ve learned so much and seen so much of the diverse culture that I have felt something change within me. It’s not the kind of change I can merely write about in a few paragraphs but rather something that would take more than one night struggling into the early hours to reiterate feelings onto a bright screen in a dark hostel room. I’ve learned to type quietly as to not wake my bunk bed partners. There is something awfully peculiar about loving a litter deeper, and with a little more sincerity. It is almost as if as I continue to love more, there is more of myself to love. No one is here telling me I’m worth more, in fact my worth hasn’t changed any, yet it feels easier to know it. Who would have thought this would be a problem?  I guess in a lot of aspects it’s not, but the more I feel it the more I want to help, the more I feel I can make a difference. I's a feeling of deeper responsibility, more responsible I feel for what I don’t do, when I know I can.

This weekend we were able to take a trip to the Caribbean. Perks of living in Mexico! Much needed vacation from our busy work schedules here, even though every day feels a little like a trip. Saturday morning, we swam out to the brightest blue we could find in the Caribbean. The water was so buoyant and warm that swimming felt like moving through air.  looking around I was wearing one of those big teethy smiles that only a moment as such could produce. Grateful for those celestial moments that give you a little glimpse of heaven to keep you going forward.

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